Professional Development

NDEO’s Online Professional Development Institute (OPDI)™ offers online dance education courses featuring pedagogy, teaching methods, history, assessments, research and much more. OPDI will benefit the vast majority of dance educators, teaching artists and administrators who are working in private studios and schools of dance, community and cultural centers, higher education, and K-12 education seeking professional development. The courses are designed to appeal to those professionals who want to learn more, enhance domains of knowledge, learn new content areas, and strengthen their own teaching and learning skills.
Find more opportunities for Fall 2024 courses - CLICK HERE​​​​
Dance Entry Level Teacher Assessment (DELTA)
As of 2024 are working with NDEO to re-establish this work. Please come back soon for more information.
Funded by two successive grants from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), DELTA is a collaborative endeavor between the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) and the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE), to codify crucial Pedagogic Content Knowledge (PCK) in dance education with the intent of inculcating commonly held values into the nation’s dance teacher preparation programs. The intent of DELTA is to serve as one measure of allowable proof of subject-matter competency. DELTA is not envisioned to supplant other measures of readiness such as portfolio reviews.
Read more about the DELTA Project here. (Status report at of 11/8/17)​​

The Maryland Dance Education Association offers and promotes professional development opportunities in order to connect dance educators across the state of Maryland.