Remote Learning &
COVID-19 Resources
The greater dance community has certainly rallied in order to navigate online and remote learning options and to share resources (mostly free) for fellow dance educators. We have compiled a variety of those resources, groups, websites, etc. in hopes of supporting your work in the field.
*MDEA does not endorse the websites and links provided.
Some websites that could be helpful resources for transitioning to and continuing to teach remote/online learning as we deal with COVID-19. Click the title to open the page in a new tab.
NDEO - Teaching Dance in Fall 2020 Questions and Potential Practices from NDEO Members
This document summarizes the questions and potential practices raised by NDEO members and panelists during online discussions about if, and how, dance teachers and students can safely return to their school and studios during this Covid-19 pandemic. In particular, the content is largely drawn from two sessions focused on a potential return to the studio in the fall 2020: The NDEO Cross-Sector Brainstorm SIG meeting on May 14, 2020 and “College Dance and The Fall Semester,” a webinar hosted on May 20, 2020.
MSDE Arts Together: Planning Guidance for Arts Educators in Maryland Public Schools COVID 19 Response & Path Forward
As a guiding document for the continuity of Fine Arts education in Maryland public schools, this document can be used to support local decision making that is in the best interest of students and maintains high-quality Fine Arts programs. The continuity of Fine Arts programs for all students ensures that local school systems can provide social-emotional learning, culturally-relevant pedagogy, and a well-rounded education. Also includes an Executive Summary Document and Webinars
Provides schools with recommendations and school reentry considerations based on the guidance for schools provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as national recommendations for physical education, health education, recess, and classroom-based physical activity.
Arts-learning develops SEL competencies. With intention and support, educators can target and improve SEL competence for entire school communities. Integrating SEL into arts education programming and integrating the arts into non-arts subjects are researched strategies to impact positive student outcomes, improve school climate and promote student achievement.
Dance/USA: Return to Dancing and Training Considerations Due to-COVID-19
This guidance is intended for all Americans, whether you own a business, run a school, or want to ensure the cleanliness and safety of your home. Reopening America requires all of us to move forward together by practicing social distancing and other daily habits to reduce our risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19.
NY Times Article: Exercising While Wearing a Mask
Some types of masks are better than others when exercising in crowded spaces.
This technical note discusses the challenges in safely re-opening these facilities and the measures already suggested by others to partly tackle these challenges.
Sample Studio Layout for Social Distancing Sample provided by Melinda Blomquist
Associate Professor/Artistic Director CCBC Dance Company. Document contains photos and explanations of studio specific layouts.
GRANTS & FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Please check individual links for current status)
Maryland Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grant Fund
If you are a non-profit arts organization
Grants up to $10,000 not to exceed 3 months of cash operating expenses for Maryland businesses and nonprofits impacted by the COVID-19 with 50 or fewer employees
Must be established prior to March 9, 2020.
Business must be in good standing.
Applicants must have employees on their payroll for whom they have had payroll taxes withheld (i.e. W-2 employees).
Individual Artist Grants - Baltimore County
County Executive Olszewski has made available 100 Individual Artist Grants at $1,000 each to Baltimore County-based artists affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
NDEO - offers two ways to connect with other dance educators virtually around the new landscape of online dance education - Live & On-Demand Webinars with experts in the field, and Virtual Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings. To see on-demand recordings of prior webinars, click here.
Teaching During COVID-19: Advice from NDEO Members
Article with sample lessons, app ideas and much more!
While liveness is often an integral part of performance-based curricula, here we compile a list of resources for moving teaching into the digital sphere. When in-person meetings are not possible, online tools, content, and protocols can offer new approaches to technique, choreography, performance, and collaboration.
CLI Studios
When you join the CLI Studios Partnership Program, your studio will work with 150+ of the industry's top choreographers in every style of dance. With continuing education for your entire staff, and master classes and choreography for your students, our Partner Studios around the world are more inspired than ever!
Watch world class performances from today's most provocative artists.
Hundreds of performance excerpts may be browsed by artist, era, or genre, or explored through curated Playlists. In addition, an entertaining and informative Guess Game offers randomly-generated multiple-choice questions to test your dance knowledge. And an extensive section of multimedia essays feature talks, photos, programs, and other exclusive content organized into themes including Tap, Dance of the African Diaspora, Women in Dance, and more.
List of performances that have gone online
The Florida Center for Instructional Technology
Online resources for Dance Education