Thursday, April 3, 2025
Gordon Center for the Performing Arts
3506 Gwynnbrook Ave, Owings Mills, MD 21117
7:00 p.m. performance, open to the public
$10/general admission
$5/students and seniors
Children ages 5 and under are free.
Click here to purchase tickets.
Tickets will be available at the box office starting at 6:30 p.m. (cash/check only)
About the Event: The Maryland Dance Alliance (MDA) takes place annually
and is sponsored by the Maryland Dance Education Association.
MDA’s mission is to cultivate student leadership through the
participation of schools with NHDSA chapters and make connections
between high school age dance programs from across Maryland.
Eligibility: All high school age dance programs in MD (public/private/parochial/
independent schools with curricular dance programs, rec & parks,
community dance organizations, and private studios) are invited to
participate in MDA. All high school age dance programs must also meet
the eligibility requirements as outlined below:
*All groups participating in MDA must be NDEO/MDEA institutional members
and have an active NHSDA chapter. An institutional membership is needed
to apply for an NHSDA chapter. http://nhsda.clubexpress.com/
The Maryland Dance Alliance is supported in part by the Maryland State
Arts Council. To discover more about the Maryland State Arts Council and
how they impact Maryland, visit msac.org.
Questions? Need more information?
Email mddancealliance@gmail.com