​​MDEA Board of Directors
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MDEA Board of Directors
Overview of Elected Positions
Member-at-Large Position & Understudies*
Members at large represent their constituencies as members on the board and create/chair sub committees to address and present initiatives integral to their represented populations. The board meets four times per year, every three months - January, April, July and October.
K-12 Public Schools
K-12 Independent/Private/Parochial Schools
K-12 Administrative
Private Studio
Teaching Artist/Professional Company
Community Organization
NHSDA Liaison
* Each constituency will have an elected understudy voted on by the membership. The understudy is a non-voting position for one year and will assume the member-at-large (voting) position for two years. The member-at-large and the understudy will be in consistent communication regarding initiatives, current board related information, and board meeting attendance.
+The Advocacy position will not be limited to the term limit of two years and can be re-appointed with consent of the member and president. This position will be a voting position on the board.
An elected board member (both Executive and Members at Large) may be nominated for a second term, but not a third consecutive term, with their consent (four years maximum as a voting board member).
The Executive Committee (E.C.) Members
Past-President - 2 year term
President - 2 year term, then Past-President
President-Elect - 1 year term, then President
Secretary - 2 year term
Treasurer - 2 year term
Executive Board Member at Large - 1 year term (elected on the alternate year as President-Elect)
The E.C. will meet at least four times a year in accordance with the bylaws and when necessary to conduct the business of the association. The executive board meets regularly in order to carry forth the mission of the organization. Email communication a minimum of biweekly.
President of the MDEA shall:
preside at all meetings of the Board, the annual meeting and special meetings of the general membership and call special meetings as necessary
act as representative to NDEO and attend the national conference
serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominations/Elections Committee
sign all legal documents & financial documents (w/the secretary and treasurer respectively)
perform all acts incident to the office of the President
appoint a member to serve in an Advocacy capacity on the board
have availability via email and phone conference with Executive Committee on a weekly basis
President-Elect shall:
assist the President and perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the President or by the Board of Directors
perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President during the absence or disability of the President, or at the request of the President, and carry out any other duties assigned by the President and/or these bylaws
oversee special projects in collaboration with the designated committee chairs
plan the NDEO Social, other committee work, and assist with Parliamentary Procedures
Past-President shall:
advise and assist the President in their duties and responsibilities
assist with the planning of the annual convention and other events
serve as an ambassador for the MDEA at local, state, and national events, meetings, and conferences.
will serve a term of two years following their two-year term as President. The Past-President will guide and advise the President during their two-year term thus the Past President and President will have coinciding years in office.
will continue to serve in a voting capacity during their term and serve on other committees as needed.
chair the Elections Committee
Secretary shall:
take attendance and keep minutes of all meetings of the Board, the annual and special meetings of the general membership
distribute and maintain meeting minutes and action items
maintain archives of the organization
assist the President in providing notification of all regular and special meetings of both board and membership
represent MDEA at a variety of events throughout the state
perform other duties as directed by the President, or the Board including, but not limited to:
assist in website maintenance and updates
maintain inventory of MDEA merchandise and other promotional materials
arrangement and transportation of MDEA merchandise and other promotional materials
outreach to new members
Treasurer shall:
be custodian of all funds for MDEA, be responsible for all receipts and disbursements of MDEA funds and keep a record of the accounts; prepare a report at each Board meeting
receive a monthly electronic membership database from NDEO and compare it to MDEA records
administer the annual filing with the MD Department of Taxation and Assessments
prepare an annual financial report/budget for the annual meeting and an annual operating budget for board approval
assist in the preparation of final reports to any public or private granting agency
coordinate and oversee filing, payment and notification of all state and federal non-profit requirements (e.g. insurance coverage) for the organization.
perform other duties as directed by the President, or the Board
The Executive Board Member at Large (elected in the year when there is no President-Elect)
assist the President and perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the President or by the Board of Directors
assist with the planning of the annual convention and other events
develop and lead an initiative that supports the mission of the organization and aligns to an identified need
plan the NDEO Social, other committee work, and assist with Parliamentary Procedures
Understudy Executive Board Positions:
Secretary: The understudy is a non-voting position for one year and will assume the officer position for two years. In the case of an absence of the Secretary at a board meeting, the understudy will assume a voting role. The officer and the understudy will be in consistent communication regarding initiatives, current board related information, and board meeting attendance.
Treasurer: The understudy is a non-voting position for one year and will assume the officer position for two years. In the case of an absence of the Treasurer at a board meeting, the understudy will assume a voting role. The officer and the understudy will be in consistent communication regarding initiatives, current board related information, and board meeting attendance.
2024 MDEA Board Member Elections
Executive Committee:
Executive Board Member at Large - ​​Pascha Barnwell
Secretary Understudy​ - ​Kendra Smith
Treasurer Understudy​ - Madison Bonaparte Logan
General Board:
K-12 Private/Parochial/Independent Schools - ​Kerry McWithy Johnson
Private Studio -
Teaching Artist/Prof Company - Alex J. Krebs​
Somatics - Crystal Davis