EDEN - Early Dance Educator Network
Introducing EDEN
Early Dance Educator Network
The Early Dance Educators Network (EDEN) is a program developed to support and assist Early Dance Educators in the Maryland area. EDEN was created to provide resources and local mentors to support teachers in the early stages of their careers in order to develop a healthy and supportive network.

EDEN Mentors
Marsinah Vaughn-PGCPSK-12/Post-Secondary
Liz Quinones-Anne Arundel County/Howard County-K-12 and Private Sector
Melissa Bell-Anne Arundel County-K-12 Public Education
Amanda Stearns-Maryland-Private Sector
Lauren Tait-Howard/Baltimore/Anne Arundel-Private Sector (All ages) & Post Secondary
Keedra Brown-Howard County-K-12 (9th-12th grade)
Truly A Austin-PG County-K-12 & Post Secondary